3 Resolutions to Start the School Year
I don’t know about you, but I have always struggled with the concept of making and keeping New Year’s resolutions in January. While it is a new calendar year, very little else changes in January for me—it’s still cold, my kids are in the same grade in school with the same activities and struggles. I much prefer September to take a few moments to consider what areas of my life I can tweak. There are so many possibilities with the start of a new school year. Here are 3 areas that are great to assess as the kids start packing their bags for a new grade:
What are my social opportunities? Will the new year’s routines and schedules open up any new opportunities to see old and new friends? Maybe my carpool will take me closer to a family member or a friends that is otherwise harder to see. Can I schedule a regular coffee date? Are there women in my children’s classes that I want to make sure to connect with, especially if they are becoming closer friends with my kids? Friendships don’t just happen like the days when we were in school, we have to be intentional! We all love knowing that we were on someone’s mind so make that list of people you want to connect with and send a text or e-mail and make it happen!
What is my day time routine and schedule like? What can change for the better? Each year, the goals we have change with what is realistic with the ages and stages of each child. Is something I had written off as not possible before, suddenly a maybe? Could I steal away some time for prayer that I didn’t have before? What about my workout regime—could I get up 30 minutes early and win the morning back when maybe a newborn made that impossible before? Is there a chore that I never get to that I can put on the calendar in a regular spot now?
What is my spiritual focus? If I’m not moving forward, I’ve either fallen on my rear end, or I’m going backwards. What do I have in place as a spiritual support as I dive into another year? Do I have a director that will help me navigate this years challenges and a regular time to meet? Maybe I need to find a book that addresses a particular struggle and resolve to read 5 minutes a day. Whatever it is, it should be concrete and attainable!
Even if your kids aren’t school ages yet, it’s still a great time to harness your inner school girl, sharpen a pencil, and get ready to take a few more steps in the right direction!
Looking for professional development as a mom?
Yuma Study Center in Washington DC is offering a new program for mom’s called Take5. It’s online and accessible to you no matter where you live. Check it out here!