Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Commentary: Mark 8: 22-26
Putting spittle on the man’s eyes he laid his hands on the man and asked, “Do you see anything?” Looking up the man replied, “I see people looking like trees and walking.” Then he laid hands on the man’s eyes a second time and he saw clearly; his sight was restored and he could see everything distinctly.
Jesus, I wonder why this miracle took two tries to get right. Of course, we know that you didn’t mess up and have to fix a mistake, but why did you perform this miracle in stages. While I don’t know why you chose stages for this particular miracle, it does serve as a good reminder to me to be patient with the process of your work in my life and in the lives of my loved ones. I can’t deny that while I’m frequently impatient for results when I pray for help, I usually benefit the most from the journey that took me to get to those results. Lord give me the patience and perseverance to appreciate the pace at which you work, knowing that your timing is perfect.
Lent for Kids
It’s around the corner! If you want to get a head start, here’s a great way of teaching the Stations of the Cross to little ones.